Bazaar Package Importer stomps on my changes

Max Bowsher maxb at
Tue Feb 1 01:52:39 UTC 2011

On 01/02/11 01:18, Scott Moser wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2011, Elliot Murphy wrote:
>> Do you need to run bzr mark-uploaded before pushing? (this used to be
>> necessary, I don't know if it has been replaced/wrapped into the
>> debcommit)
> I was not aware of this command, but tried:
> $ bzr mark-uploaded
> bzr: ERROR: This version has already been marked uploaded. Use --force to
> force marking this new version.
> So I'm guessing something did it for me.

'bzr mark-uploaded' just means 'bzr tag', but automatically figure out
the name of the tag from the top entry in debian/changelog.

IIRC, 'debcommit -r' takes care of tagging too.


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