Bazaar Package Importer stomps on my changes

Max Bowsher maxb at
Tue Feb 1 01:50:10 UTC 2011

On 01/02/11 01:22, Scott Moser wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2011, Max Bowsher wrote:
>>> Am I just doing something wrong ?
>> My wild guess is that you are being thwarted by the Bazaar Package
>> Importer's thoroughly unhelpful idea of how to represent a 3.0 (quilt)
>> source package in Bazaar - namely, that it commits the .pc directory and
>> all its contents.
> Well, possibly.  I recently commited a bzrignore of .pc, but I think that
> the last issue I had was prior to having commited that locally.
>> Thus, when you did your previous push, the importer came along and
>> decided what you pushed didn't match the uploaded package.
>> It responded by pushing your branch aside to
>> lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/natty/cloud-init/natty-201101272214 and
>> putting its own in its place.
>> Now, you've come along and push --overwritten its changes, and... it's
>> sulking:
>> :-)
>> So it seems to me that the root of all this is that the package
>> importer's representation of a 3.0 (quilt) package in Bazaar just
>> doesn't make sense.
>> Having the .pc metadata committed into the branch makes making any sorts
>> of changes quite unfriendly.
> Well, I absolutely agree with that.  I was unaware of the two urls above
> (how did you find out about the date'd branch ?)

You can see the dated branch in the branch listing at:

Having seen it, I knew what it was because I've hacked on the importer's
source code (lp:udd).

I retrieved the importer's revision which you had since push
--overwritten using 'bzr heads --dead lp:ubuntu/cloud-init' to find the
revision id.

> I guess its likely me fighting the quilt 3.0 representation. If this isn't
> resolvable, I figure I'm likely to just revert to using quilt without the
> 3.0 format.
> Thanks for the info though. I think you're probably correct.

Question for others on this mailing list: what is the status of
redefining the canonical form of imported 3.0 (quilt) branches such that
it's feasible to do work with?


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