Using lp:udd beyond its original purpose

Jonathan Lange jml at
Wed Dec 7 16:42:03 UTC 2011

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at> wrote:
> On 12/02/2011 03:18 PM, Jonathan Lange wrote:
>> We're in the process of deploying lp:udd to do something that has very
>> little to do with Ubuntu distributed development. We're using it to
>> maintain a local database mapping from object files to symbols, for
>> our own nefarious purposes[1]. It works well for this, but there are
>> some changes that we will want to make soon.
>> There are two big changes that aren't necessary for us, but would help a
>> lot:
>>   1. Decouple lp:udd from the production
>> deployment
>>   2. Split the package scanning and the branch importing parts of
>> lp:udd into separate projects
>> It sounds scary when I write it like that, but I don't think it's
>> actually that much code.
>> Neither of these things has to be done – we'll figure something out –
>> but I reckon these changes will result in less code that's better
>> tested.
>> What say you?
> That seems reasonable to me. Can you explain a bit in what way you're using
> lp:udd ?

Sure. We're using it to maintain a local database mapping from object
files to symbols. Instead of running 'import-package', it runs a
script in lp:pkgme-binary called 'fetch-symbol-files'. That script
then fetches the package and updates our own database with its symbol
information, if any.

AIUI, we'll be using it with a cronjob set up much like the one on

> It seems to me like we should keep lp:udd about the package importer, and
> then split out the functionality you need. Does that make sense, or do you
> want to do it the other way around?

Either way seems right to me. I guess if we split out the stuff we
need, that means less work for you. Well, you'd have to add a
dependency and manage deployment a little differently, but that's it.


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