discussion of ubuntu-desktop packaging branches

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 11 08:42:22 UTC 2011


Robert Ancell [2011-04-11 12:45 +1000]:
> I don't know exactly what I've broken, but I think it is when I do a
> debcommit without the -r.  I stuffed up the gvfs branch some time ago,
> Seb/Martin fixed it up.  Perhaps they can give more information.

The thing we fixed up back then was using bzr merge-upstream instead
of just bumping the version in debian/changelog.

But not tagging an upload would certainly screw up the branch as well.
Then again, the debian/ only branches are not really different, they
should also do changes with UNRELEASED and then use dch -r/debcommit -r
for uploading.
> I think the problem is just you need a tag for each release?  If that is
> the case, then getting bzr-buildpackage -S to warn/prompt the user would
> probably solve this problem.

We could do that. I actually usually do bzr bd -S first, and only
debcommit -r once that was successful, but I can just ignore the
warning :)


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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