UDD survey results

Barry Warsaw barry at canonical.com
Thu Nov 18 13:23:25 GMT 2010

First of all, thanks Martin for conducting the poll and collating the
results.  It'll be an interesting baseline to compare against at future

On Nov 18, 2010, at 06:23 PM, Martin Pool wrote:

>Bottom line:
>*Heaps* to do, but some encouraging feedback.  The priorities I draw
>from this are that we should work on
> * speed of branching/merging from Launchpad
> * keeping import branches reliably up to date
> * removing small-medium disconcerting bugs
> * getting branches to current formats, without orphaning old clients
> * supporting v3 packages
>this is fairly consistent with what was said at UDS-N, which is nice.

I completely agree!

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