[Launchpad-users] upstream + packaging + looms + lp != happiness
James Westby
jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Fri May 28 22:17:28 BST 2010
On Thu, 27 May 2010 16:18:20 -0400, Barry Warsaw <barry at canonical.com> wrote:
> This is the sanest way I can currently think of for organizing the upstream
> and packaging branches for two distros and a PPA. If it works, it seems like
> a nice way to manage things.
I agree that your sketch looks like a good way to organise things.
> Unfortunately, this doesn't work because round tripping the branch through
> Launchpad throws away all the loom information. Here's the transcript from
> two different machines ('bzr looms' is an alias for 'bzr show-loom'; the
> 'split' thread is an artifact that will go away).
> limelight% bzr looms
> =>ubuntu
> debian
> split
> trunk
> limelight% bzr record
> Loom recorded.
> limelight% bzr push lp:~barry/computer-janitor/loomified
> Using default stacking branch /~computer-janitor-hackers/computer-janitor/trunk at lp-69637584:///~barry/computer-janitor
> Created new stacked branch referring to /~computer-janitor-hackers/computer-janitor/trunk.
> heresy% bzr branch lp:~barry/computer-janitor/loomified
> Branched 240 revision(s).
> heresy% cd loomified/
> heresy%
> All the threads disappeared when the branch was pulled to machine heresy.
> Maybe Launchpad doesn't support looms yet? Maybe the stacking is messing
> things up? Any other suggestions or comments?
No idea, sorry. Have you filed a bug for tracking purposes?
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