Pipes3.0 maybe Threads3.0

Barry Warsaw barry at canonical.com
Tue Mar 30 17:07:35 BST 2010

I wish I had time to fully engage in this thread.  I'll just say +1 for
efforts to do Ubuntu development 'natively' in bzr, and map that to the patch
structure required by Ubuntu and Debian packaging.

On Mar 29, 2010, at 11:32 PM, Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:

>2) Storing in revealed structure will make it harder to move around &
>host elsewhere. Eg. people with bzr without any plugins. (looms &
>pipelines & buildeb are all optional and not shipped with bzr)

I have to say, I would really love to see looms cleaned up and made a part of
core bzr.  I keep trying pipelines every time Aaron tells me they're better :)
but I keep gravitating back to looms, especially when I'm working on an Ubuntu
source package.  I keep finding that I don't /want/ separate branches, I want
one branch that has logical partitions.  I want the thing on the bottom to be
called 'trunk' and not whatever my working branch directory happens to be
called.  Both looms and pipelines still have usability warts IME, but looms
just continue to feel righter to me.  I'm probably terrible at explaining why
though. :(

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