Growth of Ubuntu Distributed Development

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Sat Jul 24 09:11:51 BST 2010

Hi Martin,

Excerpts from Martin Pool's message of Wed Jul 21 11:07:59 +0200 2010:
> We got some more feedback last night from Mathias and Thierry, maybe
> they can add something to what I remember:
> * dpkgv3 tends to mean that the diffs generated by bzr get harder to
> read, but we could handle this and make it look better

IIUC .pc/ and debian/patches/debian-changes-* are automatically
committed to the source tree. This tends to make diff more complicated
to look at. 

I like the idea of converting all patches into looms ;).

> * it would be cool to have a bot that notices package merge proposals
> and builds and attaches a binary package for testing, so it's ready to
> go as soon as someone looks at the merge

Yes - publish packages into a PPA and link it to the merge proposal.

We've also talked about bzr/LP recipes.

I'd like to be able to write a recipe that includes the debian/
directory from a package in Ubuntu. That would help in bootstrapping a
recipe as well as checking whether the packaging code still applies to
the upstream branch.
Something similar to (I don't remember the exact syntax):


The recipe above would take the latest upstream trunk and the debian
packaging from the maverick puppet package to build a package.

I'd also like to be able to build a specific tag from upstream:

 lp:puppet/trunk 2.6.0

In the example above, 2.6.0 is an tag in the upstream git repository
(which is imported in LP).

We've also talked about integration with a CI system (hudson and/or
tarmac?). Whenever a new package is built successfully (ie available in
a PPA) the CI system automatically starts a test using the PPA. James
mentioned that some notification system is needed (already available

I'd also like to be able to create a recipe that automatically builds a
new package when:
 1. a new revision appears in the upstream bzr branch
 2. a new tag appears in the upstream bzr branch
 3. on a regular basis (daily, hourly).

Use case 3 is useful to test the development version of Ubuntu and make
sure that packages are still working in the development version of
Ubuntu. Upstream CIs may not included the development version of Ubuntu
in their tested platforms.

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer
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