UDD health check?

Barry Warsaw barry at canonical.com
Tue Jul 13 21:44:34 BST 2010

On Jul 13, 2010, at 04:20 PM, Elliot Murphy wrote:

>On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 4:04 PM, Barry Warsaw <barry at canonical.com> wro
>> but it seems to have some advantages for the way I work.
>This is cool, thanks for 'splaining.

Thanks to you too.  It's great to get another perspective on things.

>Yes, and I'm not supposed to directly edit any of the source outside
>of debian/, which is why the layout used by svn-buildpackage with only
>debian/ in VCS resonates with me. Having said that, the full extracted
>source is incredibly useful when I'm debugging - it's nice to be able
>to diff a given source file between different package versions which
>sometimes don't line up in a meaningful way with upstream VCS (because
>they can be patched in the debian package).

This leads to my last comment.  While you're not *supposed* to touch anything
outside of debian/, I think that if there were nice tools to convert back and
forth from dvcs-lingo to patch-system-lingo, we'd have an even more powerful
development system.

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