Feedback on merging via bzr

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Thu Jan 28 10:09:16 GMT 2010

On Do, Jan 28, 2010 at 11:01:37 (CET), Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:

>> it would be great if grab-merge could additionally
>>  - check the freshness of the import branches
>>  - download the orig.tar.gz/orig.tar.bz2 files from debian
> The branches are pristine-tar enabled you can just
> "$ bzr bd" them and a tarball will appear in your tarball's directory.

I expected that as well, but it didn't work with the xine-lib package.

>>> Perhaps "bzr help grab-merge" should give recipes for the common diffs
>>> that we want instead of actually generating them?
>> Yes, that would espc. help people less familiar with bzr.
> That's documented already in the Distributed Development wiki. See
> tips section [1]

which requires developers to open up yet another tool. Having the
documentation at hand improves the workflow espc. when the wiki is down
or you don't have a decently fast internet connection.

> I did a similar script which just creates a bunch of shared repos and
> pulls debian & ubuntu branches [2] It doesn't attempt to merge it's
> just there to grab a few merges in one go.

Sounds interesting, I'll have a look.

> To be fair the UDD wiki needs some love from people who used bzr for
> development.


Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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