Feedback on merging via bzr

Andrew SB a.starr.b at
Wed Jan 27 23:06:52 GMT 2010

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:21 PM, James Westby <jw+debian at> wrote:
> I would love to have something more akin to grab-merge, and again I
> would be happy to help someone work on this. I would suggest it get
> added to bzr-builddeb as that will make some things easier.

Here's a quick attempt:

Purpose: Grab packaging branchs for merging.
Usage:   bzr grab-merge PACKAGE

  This initiates a shared repository and then grabs both
  lp:ubuntu/<package> and lp:debian/<package>. Next, these
  branches are merged in "./<package>/working_tree."

Mostly I'm hoping that the ugliness of my code (I'm really just a
packaging monkey) will scare someone who knows better into stepping
up. =)

I didn't implement any changelog handling as that seems to be
in-progress elsewhere.

I suppose the real question here is exactly what features we want this
to have. Do we want to generate diffs like the current grab-merge? Do
we feel the need to write a REPORT-like file locally? Perhaps "bzr
help grab-merge" should give recipes for the common diffs that we want
instead of actually generating them?

-- Andrew SB

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