Feedback on merging via bzr

Andrew SB a.starr.b at
Wed Jan 27 22:52:06 GMT 2010

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 9:22 PM, James Westby <jw+debian at> wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 23:35:05 -0500, Andrew SB <a.starr.b at> wrote:
>> Ideally, the script would also produce something along the lines of
>> MoM's REPORT, listing the conflicts and giving instructions on how to
>> proceed.
> I'm working on something to do this centrally to replace
>, but it's not ready for use yet.
> I'm not sure writing a file when used locally would be all that useful
> would it?

Maybe not... My thought was that it could help ease the transition for
folks not yet familiar with using bzr for packaging by providing some
instruction locally without having to go searching through the wiki.
Of course this can be done in the command's output as well.

Any one else have an opinion?

-- Andrew SB

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