hottest100 (was Re: Bazaar focus for 2.1 and 2.2)

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue Jan 26 16:24:18 GMT 2010

2010/1/26 Martin Pool <mbp at>:

>> lp:accerciser -> lp:~vcs-imports/accerciser/main
>> lp:at-spi  -> lp:~vcs-imports/at-spi/git-trunk
>> lp:ekiga -> lp:~vcs-imports/ekiga/git-trunk
>> lp:gconf  -> lp:~vcs-imports/gconf/trunk
>> lp:glib -> lp:~jjardon/glib/trunk

all done

>> lp:gnome-common -> lp:~vcs-imports/gnome-common/trunk

Fixed, but still reported stale because it rarely changes.  So we
might add a tag saying that some things just are expected to move

>> lp:gnome-cups-manager ->  lp:~vcs-imports/gnome-cups-manager/trunk

One interesting thing that found is that
gnome-cups-manager is not a live package in Ubuntu after Hardy, but
I've updated the branch anyhow.

Martin <>

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