hottest100 (was Re: Bazaar focus for 2.1 and 2.2)

Dmitrijs Ledkovs dmitrij.ledkov at
Tue Jan 26 12:33:56 GMT 2010

2010/1/26 Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at>:
> I've fixed those I can up myself, since I'm already a member of the
> Registry Administrators somehow.
> There's quite a few that seem to be owned by community members or teams
> but haven't actually been touched in a while. The following projects we
> can not update because of permissions:
> lp:amarok -> lp:~vcs-imports/amarok/master
> lp:empathy -> lp:~vcs-imports/empathy/master
> lp:brasero -> lp:~vcs-imports/brasero/master
> lp:ekiga -> lp:~vcs-imports/ekiga/git-trunk
> lp:evince -> lp:~vcs-imports/evince/master
> Cheers,
> Jelmer

Well a few gnome projects might not be in hottest100 but I think it's
still important for development focus to be right. Going through gnome
meta-project on launchpad, please update:

lp:accerciser -> lp:~vcs-imports/accerciser/main
lp:at-spi  -> lp:~vcs-imports/at-spi/git-trunk
lp:ekiga -> lp:~vcs-imports/ekiga/git-trunk
lp:gconf  -> lp:~vcs-imports/gconf/trunk
lp:glib -> lp:~jjardon/glib/trunk
lp:gnome-common -> lp:~vcs-imports/gnome-common/trunk
lp:gnome-cups-manager ->  lp:~vcs-imports/gnome-cups-manager/trunk

There are more.... =)

With best regards

Dmitrijs Ledkovs (for short Dima),
Ледков Дмитрий Юрьевич

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