Feedback on merging via bzr

James Westby jw+debian at
Mon Jan 25 02:32:08 GMT 2010

On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 15:33:30 -0500, Barry Warsaw <barry at> wrote:
> Unfortunately, the diff that's automatically generated on the merge proposal
> isn't what Scott wants for the review.  As shown above, he really wants the
> diffs between the branch and current Ubuntu, and branch and current Debian.
> Perhaps merge proposals for distro packages need a different kind of automatic
> diff?

It could do that, but we would only want it for merge proposals for
merges from Debian, and that's tricky to detect, and there is currently
no facility to select they "type" of proposal.

In addition, you often want to look at any of a few different types of
diffs. To that end I filed a bug against launchpad-code the other day
requesting attachments on merge-proposals, which will allow us to attach
the extra diffs so the reviewer doesn't have to generate them.

We can then provide a wrapper command that proposes the merge and
attaches the diffs.

If you like this idea then I suggest you go subscribe to the bug report
and comment with any further suggestions you have for how the feature
should work.



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