Feedback on merging via bzr

Mathias Gug mathiaz at
Mon Jan 18 18:49:14 GMT 2010

On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at> wrote:
>> I usually use the ancestor revision shortcut for selecting the revision to
>> diff:
>> Ubuntu patch compared to the common base version:
>> ~/src/pkg-name/lucid/ $ bzr diff -rancestor:../squeeze/
>> Debian patch compared to the common base version:
>> ~/src/pkg-name/squeeze/ $ bzr diff -rancestor:../lucid/
>> These two commands should generate the equivalent of the .patch files from
>> MoM.
> That doesn't solve the issue with the data being local versus remote, but
> it definitely looks very helpful.

As mentioned earlier in the thread, it makes sense to always work from
local branches with a local repository:

 1. Create a local repository:
    ~/src/$ bzr init-repo src-pkg-name
 2. Checkout latest Ubuntu version:
    ~/src/pkg-name/$ bzr co lp:ubuntu/pkg-name/ lucid
 3. Checkout latest Debian version:
    ~/src/pkg-name/$ bzr co lp:debian/pkg-name/ squeeze
 4. Create a local branch to work on the merge:
    ~/src/pkg-name/$ bzr branch lucid l-merge

> Would you add that to the wiki page on merging?

Done (it's a wiki page - anyone can edit it ;) ).

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer

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