fastimport and the scope of the hottest 100 effort

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Tue Jan 12 04:54:23 GMT 2010

> 2010/1/11 Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy at>:
>> James raised the question recently about whether some of the packages in
>> the hottest 100 ought to excluded or not, e.g. pidgin's upstream is in
>> monotone and we don't have a bzr-monotone plugin.
>> My answer is yes, we'll need to exclude some things. The import
>> breakdown analysis I did last Friday showed some packages don't have
>> publicly available source code, e.g. the HP printer drivers and various
>> X drivers.
>> In terms of strategy, I think we should focus on getting as many imports
>>  in the top 100 as possible working via bzr-svn, bzr-git and bzr-hg. We
>> should also take a moment to confirm imports of these packages are into
>> 2a branches, *not* earlier or development formats.
> hottest100 really has two points:
>  * get some useful packages working to enable daily builds - they'll
> ship in Launchpad by April and need fodder
>  * get some clearer data on what kind of thing needs to be fixed
> both are useful.
> Outcomes for various packages may be
>  * there just is no public source tree (hplip, maybe
> kde-blah-workspace) - while this is true, daily builds aren't
> possible; this is worth tracking but not realy our problem

All the KDE upstream code is publically available in svn.  See for details.

One point that may be a bit confusing is that kdebase upstream is in three
subdirectories: apps, runtime, and workspace and our naming doesn't
exactly align.  These correspond to our kdebase, kdebase-runtime, and
kdebase-workspace source packages.  See

The above path is for KDE Trunk, but KDE 4.4 (the release for Lucid has
already been branched).  The branch to track that's aimed at Lucid is  I'm not sure, given your
goals what you should be tracking.  Let me know if you need anymore help
finding KDE stuff.

Scott K

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