hottest100 (was Re: Bazaar focus for 2.1 and 2.2)

James Westby jw+debian at
Fri Jan 8 01:12:19 GMT 2010

On Fri, 8 Jan 2010 10:58:04 +1100, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> Here are some specific things people can do to help with hottest100:
>  * work out how to make package-product links (explain that here :-)
> and create them when they're missing

Just a note that

has live data to help with this.

"Missing corresponding project" means that a package-product link needs
to be created (and sometimes a product too). The lack of a Bazaar icon
means there is no default branch.

Note that I went over this list a few weeks back registered a bunch of
imports, and created the LP question to have them set as the development
focus. That's still not done, and that's why I keep bringing it up,
because you will often be duplicating effort if you look in to them.

This says nothing about how up-to-date all that information is though. A
(preferably semi-automatic) check that everything is up-to-date would be

This does raise other questions in my mind. Are we excluding some
packages before we really start? Is implementing bzr-monotone going to
be something that falls under the hottest100 project? There are also a
few cases where we have two packages for one upstream repo, and some
where there isn't really an upstream (aside from things like
update-manager, linux-restricted-modules for instance). What will be
done about the KDE packages, their upstream is one mega-repo.



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