hottest100 (was Re: Bazaar focus for 2.1 and 2.2)

Martin Pool mbp at
Tue Jan 5 07:33:29 GMT 2010

I put jml's query output into a Google spreadsheet, so that we can
annotate lines with the relevant bug etc.

Some observations:

Some aren't linked to products; that's probably easily fixed.

In some cases multiple packages are linked to the same product, like
various versions of grub, firefox, and linux.  That's probably ok.
However, some are linked to the same branch, which is probably wrong.

To be useful, this query needs some measurement of whether the branch is fresh.

By matching up the branch names against the previously posted failure
report, we can either identify some things thought to be working but
actually not, or put specific bugs against things that are failing.

So that we don't shift the goalposts we could keep the list of
packages the same across this project.  Maybe we should put it into a
file in a branch in the udd project, then we can use it in scripts
that prod Launchpad to find out the freshness of the branches etc.
Does someone want to try this?

Martin <>

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