[Launchpad-dev] RFC on build from branch UI

Aaron Bentley aaron at canonical.com
Thu Feb 4 18:06:33 GMT 2010

Hash: SHA1

Michael Nelson wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Aaron Bentley <aaron at canonical.com> wrote:
>> It seems like a major use case will be "build this branch using this
>> packaging branch".  If we had a UI that just provided that, what
>> percentage of our users would still need more?
> I think people need (and want) more than just the packaging branch.
> For example, they'd want to specify the distroseries as well

Doesn't a user actually want to specify a list of distroseries you want
to build for?  And don't you need a recipe per distroseries as currently
formulated?  If so, our UI should let them choose a list of distroseries
and create as many recipes as necessary behind the scenes.

> by which
> time, the concept of a "recipe" for your build makes sense (ie. you've
> got a few ingredients).

I don't think that follows.  Recipes are only somewhat specific to
packaging.  Providing a UI that was less generic and more
domain-specific could be quite helpful.

> On top of that, I don't see how we can guess a
> valid deb version (as it depends on what's been uploaded to the PPA
> before etc.

Surely we know what's been uploaded to a PPA before?  Anyhow, that's a
domain-specific thing, not necessarily a recipe thing.

> And we can't always know the package name from the branch
> either [1].)

I thought the debian control directory specified the package name.

> And even if the above was feasible, we'd still need to create a recipe
> to do the build

Absolutely.  I never meant to suggest otherwise.

> and so when the same user comes back next time to
> build that branch again, we'd want to give them the option of
> selecting their previous recipe rather than silently creating another
> one.

If we're not exposing recipes, why should the user care about
duplication?  Yes, it would be nice to remember past settings, but
again, that doesn't require recipes per se.

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