[Launchpad-dev] RFC on build from branch UI

Aaron Bentley aaron at canonical.com
Wed Feb 3 21:40:52 GMT 2010

Hash: SHA1

Dmitrijs Ledkovs wrote:
> On 3 February 2010 20:58, Aaron Bentley <aaron at canonical.com>
>> So are we sure that building from a recipe should be a user-level thing
>> at all?
>> It seems like a major use case will be "build this branch using this
>> packaging branch".  If we had a UI that just provided that, what
>> percentage of our users would still need more?

> IMHO it would be 50/50 split cause I'm still thinking in terms of
> packaging branch as the starting point and which branches do I want to
> build using it.

I am contrasting a UI that speaks in terms of branches and package
branches with a UI that speaks in terms of recipes.  I think that it's
more intuitive to talk about the branches, and that providing recipes in
the UI may be overkill, but I could be wrong and I want feedback.

It sounds like you're saying that you'd like a UI on the packaging
branch that lets you build other branches using it, instead of doing
that from the individual branches.  That's valid, but it answers a
question I didn't mean to ask.

> For example as an upstream project maintainer I will
> strive to minimize amount of packaging branches / recipes cause that's
> not usually upstream expertise. So I would have one packaging branch
> possibly pinched of ubuntu and then I will go to it and start thinking
> which of my project branches I want to build eg. stable release,
> supported release and this wacky hack I'm working on.

None of this requires recipes to be exposed to users.  Since, as
currently formulated, recipes specify their base branch, you would need
a different recipe for stable, supported, and wacky hack.

> And ooops hardy
> has different lib sonames so i need to use this other packaging branch
> cause it has build time patch.

As described, this doesn't need user-level recipes either, but another
approach might.  Instead of having a different packaging branch with the
build-time patch, you could have a branch with just the build-time
patch.  That would be a reason to use the full power of recipes.

> This feature will be a popular both from Ubuntu development side and
> the upstream projects using launchpad for project management, QA /
> ubuntu experience enhancement.

Note that this feature only builds native packages at the moment, so it
will not be suitable for building packages for the main archive until
that changes.

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