RFC on build from branch UI

Michael Nelson michael.nelson at canonical.com
Tue Feb 2 10:01:49 GMT 2010

Hi all,

I've been putting together some mockups for the build-from-branch UI
work (with the help of jml, wgrant and mwhudson), and would love to
hear ideas on how they could be improved or re-worked etc.

You can see the details at:


The Balsamiq mockups are all available in a branch if you have some
inspiration too :) (linked on the page). And there is a list of
questions at the bottom of the page that may answer initial thoughts.

Thanks in adavance,

BTW: Working through the UI workflow with the current schema/code
brought up a few bugs that we'll need to work on (or clarify as
invalid), so if you think you might be able to clarify them:

= Our current schema doesn't support scheduling of builds (ie. daily builds) =

= We're not passing the recipe's source package name or suite through
to dailydeb =

= Recipe has sourcepackagename before upload =
This one might be invalid - I just wasn't sure why we're not using the
normal process of processing an upload to create a SPN (rather than
potentially creating the SPN record for the recipe).

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