udd team on launchpad

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Nov 23 01:15:15 GMT 2009

On Mon, 2009-11-23 at 12:00 +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> If by udd you mean ~ubuntu-distributed-devel, then it was an abandoned
> attempt to create a team list.  (Apparently for unclear reasons this
> needs to be on lists.ubuntu.com.)  I'll delete it.

No, I mean ~udd, which is the maintainer of the udd project, and thus
can do bug priority settings and so forth.

James - I think its essentially the control team for 'udd', so moderated
is probably still relevant. I don't know if we need TB delegation or not
either; nor what its really for :) - other than being maintainer of
'udd' in Launchpad.

We may want to add ubuntu-developers to ~udd to give all devs bug
control rights; this is a meta-thing, rather than bugs in ubuntu itself,
so I'm not sure if bug-control should be added.

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