Merging with Bazaar

James Westby jw+debian at
Sat Nov 21 00:20:33 GMT 2009

On Fri Nov 20 13:20:26 -0600 2009 Robert Collins wrote:
> As a first step, I'd fix 'bzr help plugins/builddeb' to contain your
> HOWTO, list of commands and other such things.

Good point.

> Could merge upstream have version number guessing?

It could, but I'm reluctant to do it badly :-)

> I wonder if an import-* name makes more sense, as you can certainly
> import-and-not-merge but you can't merge-without-importing.

Well, the command does merge. We could add another command that just
imported. I can see that there would be utility sometimes, but the workflow
I had in mind does not require it.



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