Things to graph for package-of-the-day work

James Westby jw+debian at
Sat Nov 21 15:40:55 GMT 2009

On Fri Nov 13 00:02:25 -0600 2009 Jonathan Lange wrote:
> Hello,
> We at the Bazaar sprint have brainstormed a few things that we think
> that we should graph to see how the package-of-the-day stuff is being
> used on Launchpad, and to see how we should focus our work.
> I'll dump the notes here now without much explanation, and will try to
> answer any questions promptly. (I'll be at UDS, so grab me there!).
> 1. Packages with upstream imports
>   - Number of packages (maybe in an interesting subset)

The number from the ones on +upstreamreport would be an interesting subset.

> 6. Distribution of number of branches referred to in a recipe
>   - Number of recipes with one branch
>   - Number of recipes with two branches
>   - Number of recipes with three branches
>   - etc.

Whether the branches are on a project, source package or +junk would
be interesting.

> [1] "Average", maybe actually median or quartiles or something.

Thank you for giving the other averages a chance.


James Westby
Member of the Campaign for Average Equality

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