Recipes vs. Looms vs. pipelines

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Dec 18 15:46:55 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> On Dec 18, 2009, at 09:06 AM, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> JAM, you've made some very interesting observations!
>> I'll be honest, though. I'm starting to wonder if we really do want to
>> preserve the extra history. I certainly have made comments that we don't
>> want to write a system that makes a glorified "patch". Though honestly,
>> what you really care about landing in upstream is a "change". In loom
>> terminology, you really do only care about "bzr diff -rthread:" as that
>> is what is going to be reviewed upstream.
> I think that's absolutely right.  Note though, that it's not until I'm ready
> to publish my work that I'd be ready to collapse things down.  IOW, while the
> work is still in progress, I do care about each revision.  When I'm ready to
> push though, I think those individual revisions are much less interesting.  Of
> course, this "collapsing" might happen more than once during the lifetime of a
> branch (e.g. hey-can-you-help-me-with-this, ready-for-review,
> i've-responded-to-your-review, ready-to-land).

So we do this in the bzr project by using the "left parent is more
important" model. Specifically, the collapse occurs because:

"bzr merge; bzr commit; bzr log -n1" will only show you the merge
commits, which have effectively collapsed the changes into individual bytes.

And interestingly, this is sort of what you have with loom if you
re-ordered the parents. (If up-thread --auto did what vila originally
thought it did.)

I think if we did that parent swapping on each up-thread, it would
probably mess up the development flow. However, you could have a fairly
simple command that could do that.


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