Recipes vs. Looms vs. pipelines

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Thu Dec 17 17:18:02 GMT 2009

>>>>> "Aaron" == Aaron Bentley <aaron at> writes:

    Aaron> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
    >>>>>>> "jam" == John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:
    jam> Actually, those produce the exact same history.
    >> No.

    >> No. A base thread for trunk were I can pull and feature thread on
    >> top is enough.
    >> In one case I *pull* trunk in the base thread while in the other
    >> I *merge* trunk in the top thread.

    Aaron> In both cases, you are merging the same revision into
    Aaron> the top thread.


    Aaron> In the loom case, you are using "up-thread -a" to
    Aaron> merge from your base-thread mirror.

Which has been updated by the pull. So up-thread --auto will
create new revisions by merging each thread on top of that, the
trunk starting as the left-hand parent

    Aaron> In the non-loom case, you are using "merge;commit" to
    Aaron> merge directly from trunk.

Yes on top of the existing commits where the trunk will now be a
right-hand parent.

    Aaron> How can the history be different if you're merging the
    Aaron> same revision into the same line-of-development?

I'm not merging the same revision and I'm not merging in the same
line-of-development either.

Besides I strongly expect the histories to be different as the two
operations *are* different and don't carry the same intent.


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