Recipes vs. Looms vs. pipelines

Barry Warsaw barry at
Thu Dec 17 17:03:46 GMT 2009

On Dec 17, 2009, at 8:40 AM, Vincent Ladeuil wrote:

>>>>>> "barry" == Barry Warsaw <barry at> writes:
> <snip/>
>    barry> loom                            non-loom
>    barry> ----                            --------
>    barry> bzr down-thread rocketfuel      bzr merge ../devel
>    barry> bzr pull                        bzr commit -m'Merge rocketfuel'
>    barry> bzr up-thread --auto
> Nice, I never put words on that but I share the feeling. In my
> mental model the "loom way" is: let's restart what I'm doing
> based on today's trunk, whereas the "non-loom" way is: let's see
> what happen if I bring trunk into my branch.

Yes.  I think you've gotten pretty close to the mental model I have.


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