Recipes vs. Looms vs. pipelines
Vincent Ladeuil
v.ladeuil+lp at
Thu Dec 17 13:40:43 GMT 2009
>>>>> "barry" == Barry Warsaw <barry at> writes:
barry> loom non-loom
barry> ---- --------
barry> bzr down-thread rocketfuel bzr merge ../devel
barry> bzr pull bzr commit -m'Merge rocketfuel'
barry> bzr up-thread --auto
Nice, I never put words on that but I share the feeling. In my
mental model the "loom way" is: let's restart what I'm doing
based on today's trunk, whereas the "non-loom" way is: let's see
what happen if I bring trunk into my branch.
Or said otherwise: one inject the new trunk from the bottom when
the other inject it from the top.
Of course the resulting tree is the same, but since they produce
different histories, the resulting branches tend to behave a bit
differently too when you start landing part of your work on the
trunk and that you re-inject the trunk
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