Bazaar focus for 2.1 and 2.2

Martin Pool mbp at
Wed Dec 16 23:09:28 GMT 2009

2009/12/17 James Westby <jw+debian at>:
>> * could work on current package import failures - mostly by fixing
>> bugs in bzr - james_w will investigate, could file some bugs, maybe
>> not a productive main focus (because don't have access to that machine
>> and not familiar with that code)
> This is where the combination of the bzr importer, bzr-builddeb and
> bzr failed to work as designed when mirroring a particular package in
> to bzr. I sent an example of some of the issues the other day.
>> * could work on udd-related merge features - not so much one overall
>> story as getting some bugs
> Martin, I don't remember what we discussed about this, could you clarify?

To me this meant: per-file merge hooks, making merge-package fit
better with bzr merge, ...  There may not be enough here that it's an
actual theme in its own right distinct from 'udd bugs'.

>> So I think overall:
>> for 2.1 (about four working weeks before rc1 and going to
>> safe-bugfix-only mode):
>>  * bugs coming from: merging unrelated branches in recipes, pkg and
>> vcs import failure bugs, other udd bugs (including specific merge
>> scenarios)
>>  * filling those bug queues
> I think this is good.

> I can fill the queues with package import failure bugs, and encourage
> my fellow developers to report anything they hit. Who will fill
> them with vcs-import failure bugs. Do we have an analysis of which
> issues are causing the most failures? Also, looking at the few that
> fail for the top 100 would be good (and perhaps setting up imports
> for more of that 100.)

There was a thread on launchpad-dev (I think) with some analysis of
the failures, and we can dig into that more.

Martin <>

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