Recipes vs. Looms vs. pipelines
John Arbash Meinel
john at
Wed Dec 16 23:08:53 GMT 2009
Hash: SHA1
Aaron Bentley wrote:
> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>> AIUI, being able to share pipelines is not one of your goals.
> Pipelines can already be shared with the sync-pipeline command.
They can, but you don't really collaborate on-the-pipeline in the same
way that you *could* collaborate on-the-loom. Consider that the 'recipe'
concept takes it to the extreme, where you just have a text file
describing how to combine everything.
>>> With looms, you get a huge proliferation of threads. I think the only
>>> real difference is that threads tend to be less visible than branches.
>> True, though this is significant in itself. (possibly solved by
>> colocated branches, but visibility of branches is a genuine UI issue.)
> Agreed.
>> Creating something that makes it easier to get a change integrated into
>> upstream, and then reflected back in your workspace seems a lot better
>> statement.
> Okay, I can agree with that.
>> You can get close if we made cherrypicking really smart, but I'm not
>> sure how smart you can make it, or really what that design looks like.
> Even something only as smart as 'tla replay' would be a great improvement.
So if we wanted to hack something in today, we could create a 'bzr
cherrypick' plugin that just records the revisions being pulled across
as revision properties, and then adds a 'bzr cherrypick-replay' that
would be, essentially, tla replay.
It can then grab 'find_unique_ancestors' and look for ones that are
actually merged, and then replay accordingly. One could replay the early
revs that aren't merged, to create a new BASE that has all the rest, and
then 3-way merge from there.
It would at least be a way to experiment with it.
Note also that you can get 'rejected' revisions in this system as well.
And if the existing ancestry + rejected ancestry + merged ancestry ended
up as a full merge, it could mark it as such.
I think part of the issue is figuring out how to communicate from the
time you did merge/cherrypick until the time you run 'bzr commit' what
happened. (temp file somewhere on disk describing what happened.)
>> A
>> DAG based loom/pipeline is something relatively easy to articulate. As
>> it is what I do today with a pure-branch based flow without the
>> 'up-thread'/'pump' helpers.
> Right, and in this vein, package branches start to look a lot like
> integration branches.
> Aaron
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