
Barry Warsaw barry at
Wed Dec 16 19:15:13 GMT 2009

On Dec 16, 2009, at 02:43 PM, James Westby wrote:

>In a similar way we then want to pull in the upstream branches
>themselves. Again, this will allow you to work closely with upstream,
>without having to step out of the normal workflow you know.
>The last point deserves some more explanation. The idea is that you
>will be able to grab a package as you normally do, work on a patch,
>and then when you are happy run a command or three that does something
>like the following:
>  * Merges your change in to the tip of upstream, allowing you to
>    resolve any conflicts.
>  * Provide a cover letter for the change (seeded with the changelog
>    entry and/or commit message(s).
>  * Send the change off to upstream in their preferred format and
>    location (LP merge proposal, patch in the bugtracker, mailing list
>    etc.)

I have to say, with my upstream hat on, I can't wait for this part of the

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