Bazaar focus for 2.1 and 2.2

Francis J. Lacoste francis.lacoste at
Wed Dec 16 16:36:21 GMT 2009

On December 16, 2009, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Francis J. Lacoste wrote:
> > On December 15, 2009, Martin Pool wrote:
> >> I just had a good talk with James about what the Bazaar team could do
> >> to help UDD move forward.  We are making progress on some particular
> >> bugs but the analysis feels a bit inchoate.  So my theory is that we
> >> will be more efficient if we pick a clearer focus to do first.
> >>
> >> We talked about:
> >>
> >> * vcs imports - very visible so could be good, but not a pressing
> >> problem now
> >
> > Well, the linux kernel import is still not working. And that's with the
> > recent fixes to bzr-git by Jelmer and the improved memory usage by John.
> > So there are things to improve there.
> So I think the kernel is probably good for visibility, it certainly
> isn't worthwhile from a "people are going to start using bzr to develop
> the kernel" sort of thing.

It's more than for visibility, having an import of the kernel is a 
prerequisite for doing udd and daily builds with it.

Francis J. Lacoste
francis.lacoste at
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