Rewriting Ubuntu branches

James Westby jw+debian at
Mon Dec 14 16:57:43 GMT 2009

On Mon Dec 14 01:55:06 +0000 2009 Martin Pool wrote:
> In general whenever we're decorating commands we should ask whether
> there is a more appropriate place to do the extension.  I think here
> perhaps it would be better to add a hook called when an operation is
> going to fail due to divergence, giving it the chance to clean it up.
> That could be useful to other people.

That sounds like a good idea to me.

> I'm not sure I understand, perhaps due to reading this out of order.
> If you want to express: 'revision id R with inventory I is equivalent
> to R' with I'' then just listing the filed ids should be enough?

That's what I think too, but it popped in to my head while I was writing,
so I thought I would check that my intuition was correct.

> It sounds like this is going towards a more general 'replaces'
> relationship between revisions, which ought to be treated as part of
> the merge graph but generally not shown in logs etc?

I think that's one way of looking at it. Are you proposing that we
implement such a thing?



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