MoM status page

James Westby jw+debian at
Thu Dec 10 03:10:55 GMT 2009

On Wed Dec 09 23:18:42 +0000 2009 Martin Pool wrote:
> mdz pointed me to <>, which is
> produced by MoM, which can be seen as a precursor to UDD.  It would be
> nice to generate such a page from the overall UDD system, including:
>  * the latest version in Debian
>  * the latest Debian version in our import branch (so if they mismatch
> the import may be broken)
>  * ditto the upstream version
>  * the latest version packaged in Ubuntu
>  * ... and the latest version in our packaging branch
> ... and maybe more.

Yes, we definitely want this. I can look at doing it.

Scott also said that he would be happy to merge a change that made MoM
not generate the diffs (or at least not the REPORT) for packages that
have been successfully imported, and just write the instructions from
doing the merge in bzr instead.

I think we should at least put the instructions in the REPORT, even
if we still generate the diffs.



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