Bugs for daily build packages

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Tue Dec 8 15:45:19 GMT 2009

On Tue Dec 08 14:11:57 +0000 2009 Deryck Hodge wrote:
> Why is auto-pushing preferable in the case of daily builds?
> In discussions I had around bug forwarding to external trackers
> (admittedly not in the context of daily builds), no one seemed to
> suggest auto-forwarding of bugs.  The thinking was that it's too easy
> to spam an upstream.

Often when creating a daily build the point is to create packages that
upstream considers 'pure' and so the bugs are highly likely to be relevant
to them without requiring a triage step in between to identify the ones
that are.

Maybe it is a bad assumption that most will be like this. Maybe it will
be the minority case, and so we should require going to an LP project first,
with (semi-)manual forwarding. However, if the upstream uses LP then this
distinction can't be enforced.



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