Bugs for daily build packages

Jonathan Lange jml at canonical.com
Tue Dec 8 08:13:00 GMT 2009

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 4:37 AM, James Westby <jw+debian at jameswestby.net> wrote:
> On Sun Dec 06 22:03:06 +0000 2009 Jonathan Lange wrote:
>> Deryck and I banged out a rough specification here:
>>   https://dev.launchpad.net/DailyBuildBugs
>> I'm keen to hear your thoughts.
> We should ensure that the apport report includes an Origin that
> can be mapped back to the PPA. Possibly also put [ppa:something]
> at the start of the subject too.

I've added a note about this to the wiki.

How would we do that? Which code base do we need to change?

> Would it be too much to have apport always file against LP, and
> then allow an LP project to be configured to auto-push those bugs
> to an external tracker with a plugin? This gives us less coverage,
> but a better experience in terms of getting the information from
> the user and to the desired people.

That, I don't know.

In an ideal world, the Launchpad code base would have an abstract API
for a bug tracker with an implementation for each kind of tracker that
we support, and one of those methods would be 'reportBug'. Well, maybe
that's not the _ideal_ ideal world, but it's my ideal world. I have no
idea how close we are to that.

I don't think it would be a good idea to special case such
auto-pushing just for this.

> It would also lead to gardening
> problems on LP too.

Really? Such as?

> The question of what happens if the people getting the bugs don't
> want them is a good one, and something we should discuss further.

OK, let's do that.

My hunch is that for many such PPAs, there won't be all that many bugs
filed,  so it won't be a problem. For certain PPAs, there will be a
massive flood. In those cases, the Flooded need to be able to:
  - identify the source
  - contact the owner of the source and ask them to switch off the hose
  - have an obvious court of appeal if the owner of the source won't do that

Likewise, the Flooder needs to actually have a viable alternative to
sending bugs to the Flooded. "Viable alternative" is a bit too
abstract though -- can you help me make it more concrete?


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