your thoughts wanted on bzr team UDD focus
John Arbash Meinel
john.meinel at
Thu Dec 3 21:09:07 GMT 2009
James Westby wrote:
> On Wed Dec 02 23:01:01 -0500 2009 Robert Collins wrote:
>> is a bug I've filed
>> about merging specific files better; please provide feedback about
>> whether you think it might work for you.
> Thanks, sounds about right. We don't need much information to do this
> particular merge, just THIS and OTHER in the script I posted.
> I wonder about performance, for this we could register for any basename
> of "changelog", but other things may want to do some fairly intensive
> checking of whether they can handle the file in question based on its
> contents.
>> I've marked it high, because things that make bzr-builddeb etc easier
>> and simpler will help in maintenance of that code and its
>> understandability.
> Yes.
>> What do you need to be able to drop merge-package?
> Something that can merge two strands of development contained in one
> branch. merge-package is there because of this case you can get in to
> debian upstream .----B----------G
> A \ \
> ubuntu upstream `------+---C \
> \ \ \ \
> debian \ E---+------H
> D----` \
> ubuntu `----------F
> (Apologies to anyone using a screenreader)
> In words:
> * Debian and Ubuntu ship the same upstream release (A) packaged
> in the same version (D).
> * Debian updates to a new upstream release (B), packaged as E.
> * Ubuntu leap-frogs Debian to an even newer upstream release (C),
> packaged as F.
> * Debian then packages the latest upstream release (G) as H.
> Ubuntu now wishes to merge H in to F.
So how did Ubuntu find "C" such that it isn't an ancestor of "G"? Are
they using different upstreams? Or are these tarball imports such that G
secretly should be a descendant of C, but nobody recorded that fact?
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