your thoughts wanted on bzr team UDD focus

James Westby james.westby at
Wed Dec 2 21:02:00 GMT 2009

On Mon Nov 30 20:19:13 -0500 2009 Martin Pool wrote:
> I'd like to get a sanity check from UDD people on what the Bazaar team
> is going to do for our 2.1 release, which will have a feature freeze
> in February and go into Karmic.
> From the previous threads, it seems that the main large things we need
> to do are:


Thanks for requesting feedback.

There were a bunch of other things discussed, and scenarios considered,
and these two items are the only things that came out the other end. You
are obviously the one that should decide how much work to take on given
the developer time available, so I'm not complaining that the list is
short. I do however wonder about the other features that were discussed.
Did you decide that these gave the best return on investment, or was
it just that these were the items most discussed?

>  * get more code imports working -- investigation of failure causes is
> continuing

Are you setting any sort of targets, or is it too early to know
how varied the causes are and so know what a sensible target would

I am currently distilling UDS discussions in to specs, so I will be sending
them to the list shortly, this may inspire some discussion of needed
features. There are a couple of items that I will highlight for discussion.



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