your thoughts wanted on bzr team UDD focus

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at
Wed Dec 2 17:01:41 GMT 2009

>>>>> "jml" == Jonathan Lange <jml at> writes:

    jml> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 7:02 PM, Max Bowsher <maxb at> wrote:
    >> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
    >>> * import all branches defined in a git repo instead of only HEAD
    >>> The later may not be the bzr team direct responsibility, but all
    >>> parties involved in the discussion at UDS (Keybuk, jelmer, jml,
    >>> kiko ?) agreed about its importance
    >> bzr-git can already import all branches - what it can't do is import a
    >> specific branch, which is presumably what prevents its use in Launchpad
    >> code imports.

Err, I said and repeat: import *all* branches. bzr-git can do it,
launchpad can do it, all we need it connecting the dots.

    jml> Say "hinders", not "prevents". Right now, the Launchpad code import
    jml> system (and indeed everything about Launchpad code) is very, very
    jml> branch-oriented.

    jml> Perhaps Launchpad could import all the branches in a git-repo?

    jml> Probably easier for all concerned to allow us to import a single
    jml> branch, at least to start with.

No. The point is that there is not a *single* interesting branch
to import, most of the time there are several distinct heads (so
you can't import the most advanced one and indirectly get the
others for free).

    >> I happened to be playing with this last night and it
    >> appears to require only about 7 lines of code in
    >> bzr-git. The outstanding problem is apparently that no one
    >> has managed to agree on an URL form to refer to "colocated
    >> branches", so the actual implementation is blocked.

What may be needed is to a bit of polish to delete branches
created by previous imports and not present anymore in the repo,
but I think everybody can live without that.

    jml> Well, Launchpad doesn't _need_ a URL. We could change
    jml> the import form to have an optional "branch" field, and
    jml> pass that as some secondary option to bzr-git.

    jml> AIUI, the only thing blocking us on that is round
    jml> tuits.


    jml> Michael Hudson, who has done the vast bulk of the code
    jml> import work, is busy doing build-from-recipe stuff right
    jml> now, but the code is there for the hacking. Maybe
    jml> someone from the Bazaar world?

I'd like to help (if only by creating a launchpad dedicated VM
locally), but I don't know when I'll get there :-/


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