Bugs for daily build packages
Deryck Hodge
deryck.hodge at canonical.com
Tue Dec 1 15:43:52 GMT 2009
Hi, James.
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 11:27 PM, James Westby
<jw+debian at jameswestby.net> wrote:
> On Thu Nov 26 23:31:05 -0500 2009 Jordan Mantha wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 6:05 PM, James Westby <jw+debian at jameswestby.net> wrote:
>> <snip>
>> > The aim is to have lots of people testing the latest code, let's enable
>> > them to report issues with it easily, otherwise we run the risk of it being
>> > a big waste of time.
>> Would it be at all feasible to be able to report bug against specific
>> PPA package uploads? In my ideal world a person would report a bug
>> against my PPA package and I could either 1) fix it if it's my fault
>> 2) link against the Ubuntu package if the issue is more general 3)
>> link to and upstream bug report.
> This would mean making PPAs a bug target. Someone from LP could speak
> about whether this is in their plans.
We did discuss this idea at the last LP team leads sprint. I think we
moved away from the idea because strategy for the bugs team is set to
be "getting bugs off Ubuntu." Because of that we were favoring
stories for bug q&a (think crowd sourcing basic bug triage) and bug
forwarding to upstreams. After the work done at UDS, we were planning
to pursue bug q&a, and in fact, we were going to start coding the
first bit of that next week. So we've done a fair amount of work to
get ready to code, which also includes plans to implement bug heat in
Having said all that, I had a conversation with Francis about this
thread and the story of bugs on PPAs yesterday. There's a lot of
appeal to delivering a complete story for daily builds, which includes
bugs for PPAs. Also, it indirectly does get bugs off Ubuntu, in that
it doesn't add a deluge of poorly or mis-targeted bugs, which is the
likely outcome if we don't have bugs for PPAs. But there's some work
yet to be done to determine if we should pursue this story and then to
get us ready to code if we go this route.
I think the next steps would be for Jono Lange and I to have a
conversation about how bugs on PPAs fits into the overall strategy,
for me to cast about and canvas opinion for what's more valuable (q&a
or ppa bugs), and for the bugs team to do a rough scope and design on
the feature.
So that's the state of things with that feature today, and I will
follow up on this list after we've looked a bit deeper into the issues
here. Hope this info proves helpful.
Deryck Hodge
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