
Gavin Henry ghenry at suretecsystems.com
Wed Jun 27 19:58:21 BST 2007

<quote who="Jean-Michel Dault">
> Le mercredi 27 juin 2007 à 18:59 +0200, Guido Serra a écrit :
>> > It "can be" is what I said. If a user doesn't have the right
>> > docs/understanding/gui etc. it is hard.
>> > I want to make sure that the default OpenLDAP setup is correct etc.
>> uhmm... who is working on this?
>> ping -b MAILINGLIST
> I subscribed so I could help a bit, but unfortunately I didn't have much
> time to devote.

Ah, understood. I'm just watching to give advice in the background.

> And when I saw "Fedora Directory Server", I kinda got turned off...
> Personally, I don't see what the fuss is all about. Big, bloated Java
> interface, 3 times less performance than OpenLDAP, no out-of-the-box
> support for such basic things as Samba accounts or even uid
> auto-increment.

Totally agree. "Ooo, it's got Multi-Master". So has OpenLDAP 2.4.

> On the other hand, I have experimented a bit with Gosa2, and it looks
> like a nice, extendable front-end to OpenLDAP, with possibility for
> pre/post creation scripts, group templates, etc.

Agreed, but it's one of the few GUIs I've seen that need it's own
attributes etc. in the Directory you are managing.

> Apart from that, I have made some major Linux deployments with LDAP: on
> average 30,000 users, with low-level services (NFS, Samba, Cups),
> integration with existing servers (Apache/PHP, CMS systems, proxy
> servers) and X-terminal clusters. I worked extensively on different LDAP
> schemas to have a complete setup.

Sounds very interesting.

> Typically, all these systems were installed on Mandriva (I'm an
> ex-Mandrake employee), but now I have converted to Ubuntu and I'm
> looking for ways to contribute to the project. However, the mailing list
> is pretty dead, as well as the wiki...

I just joined today.

> --
> Jean-Michel Dault <jmdault at revolutionlinux.com>
> Révolution Linux inc.
> --
> Ubuntu-directory mailing list
> Ubuntu-directory at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-directory

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