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In Ubuntu 10.04 when you connect to a wireless network with
encryption you could select the security type, however on 12.10 and
variants (except kde) this is no longer there and you have to type a
hexadecimal key, just like on windows, i always used pass phrase
since i can actually remember that<br>
i realize the option was probably removed to not confuse windows
users, thus making the ui conform to a windows standard, but this is
not windows so why not make it better than windows<br>
<div class="vbclean_msgtext" id="post_message_12486608"><img alt=""
src="cid:part1.00040601.01090902@gmail.com" height="301"
Almost every single DE only lets you use the hexadecimal key now,
that was one of my favorite things on linux, i don't have to type
a 64/128 digit hex key, i can just use my 12 character pass-phrase<br>
windows, gnome 3, mate, xfce 4, cinnamon, and unity all make you
type a long key that nobody can remember<br>
the kde desktop may be the only exception to this, i have not
checked lubuntu, but i expect it to be the same as xubunu in that
on xfce i can click connect then cancel and go to edit connections
and use my pass phrase from there, i just tried gnome and i can't
seem to do that<br>
from my router (running tomato firmware):<br>
<img alt="" src="cid:part2.08060502.04000200@gmail.com"
height="210" width="541"><br>