Bonjour,<br><br>Ref. Rick's announcement "change #2 is changing the default search provider in Firefox to Yahoo!", I understand the economics behind it, but, as it has been voiced in forums, since Yahoo! now works hand in hand with Microsoft, how can a main supporter of the Linux community like Canonical strike a derive deal with Microsoft. Most upsetting. It's like IBM relying on Bing for its search engines.<br>
<br>Because it not all about economics, but strategy also. You will definitely loose follow up as Ubuntu users are also knowledgeable and most of the time anti Microsoft.<br><br>The motivation of your decision is already being talked about around the net in many different languages, and because it is the net, will continue to do so.<br>
<br>Regards,<br><br>P.S. : Keep up the good work nonetheless.<br><br>Alain-Olivier Breysse<br>