<div>Considering that ship has already sailed a long time ago, I don't think its wise to waste lumber on another ship when it is already needed elsewhere.</div><div><div><br></div><div>If the bzr galleon runs aground or hits an iceberg in the future, however, things may change.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Not being a developer myself I'm not aware of bzr's shortcomings/virtues, or those of git/hg, but if frustration with bzr is indeed nearing critical mass then it may well be prudent to consider adding support for alternatives.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Personally though I think it's a bit of a waste of time discussing this "holy war of the DVCS's" if canonical and launchpad have both made it clear that bzr is the only offically supported VCS.</div>