<div dir="ltr">I'm really amazed at what a good job the Ubuntu devs have done to bring the OS to the masses, and in that vein I have a simple suggestion. I am an avid OpenBSD user, and the pink elephant in the room when using Ubuntu seems to be the man pages. I would like to see an initiative to have an example section at the bottom of every man page that is officially supported in a package. It's not hard, I would be happy to contribute here as well, but I think an official portal or Wiki to let end users generate the "best" implementations of the command strings used. If there were say, 5 examples of the most common applications of the command, to show the proper command format and where some switches go and how to escape certain things (like spaces) and still have a functioning command.<br>
<br>This, along side with any major stumbling blocks in comment format, which most users stumble over, would save a lot of alt tabbing and internet searches. Caveman instructions almost. I have seen thousands of posts trying to use mount.cifs, and its really confusing when different distros have different CLI formats or when the package is updated and things are changed. The "Cliff's Notes" at the end would halt a LOT of forum posts that get asked over and over and result in a more positive Ubuntu experience for all.<br>
<br>PS: Would it be possible to get a "Dev" option in the install, similar to Fedora? <br></div>