Hi all,<br>
Our web servers have been checked recently by an external security
firm. We have been told that our web servers need to be upgraded to the
latest version in order to fix some security issues.<br>
Security updates are applied every week on our servers. If I want to
upgrade Apache to version 2.2.9 and PHP to 5.2.6, how do I proceed if
my servers are already up to date and if there is nothing to upgrade,
even when I use the backports repository? I have both dapper and gutsy systems.<br>
I know that I can download and compile these programs myself, but for
future updates, it becomes complicated since we have lots of servers...<br>
Currently, for Gutsy, the version of Apache is 2.2.4-3ubuntu0.1 and PHP is PHP5.2.3-1ubuntu6.3.<br>
Any ideas on how to softly upgrade those two packages?<br>
Chris<span class="highlight"></span>