There's alot of new technologies for GNOME/KDE desktops, and some are installed by default in (K)Ubuntu.<br><br>The problem is there's lack of documentation/tutorial/example <br>usage in order for those technologoes to be used.
<br><br>List of new technologies.<br><br>-Avahi<br>-Telepathy<br>-Farsight<br>-Galago<br><br>Avahi is installed by default in Edgy, However, only one obvious use for it for new users is to share music playlist across iTunes/Rhythmbox/Banshee clients. And there's still alot of features that is not well documented, particularly in areas of file-sharing, instant messaging and printer detection.
<br><br>There should be a documentation for new users on how to use Avahi for filesharing, IM and Printer detection. To answer simple questions like<br><br>- How do I share my files using Avahi under Ubuntu?<br>- How will I use Avahi for Instant Messaging?
<br>- How do I detect my Boss's printer in the next room?<br><br>And provide answers that tells them what to grab/install and what to configure. <br><br>Same with Farsight, Galago, and Telepathy.<br><br><br><br>Take Care,