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Results of try to <b>Run update-manager </b><br>
This seemed to work.<br>
<i>then install update-manager (it should pull in new "python-apt",
"python-vte", "libvte4" packages as well) and run it.</i> <br>
I Ran..... <b>update-manager</b><br>
<i>Run update-manager and it should offer you to upgrade to a new
A window opened with dapper available dialog .... I clicked <<b>upgrade</b>><br>
showed downloading 33 files and downloaded one after the other but at
about 98% (6 min.) changed to show downloading file 34, over and
over each cycle about 1 second in time.<br>
I allowed this to continue for about 10 min. the cable modem showed
fast blinking.<br>
then tried the menu start of > Software Updates again, it seemed to
start up normal again on monitor 1; The runaway was on monitor 2.<br>
A notice came up <br>
<i> cannot install all available updates, some updates require
to remove further software.<br>
use the function "Smart Upgrade" of the package manager
'Synaptic' or run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade<br>
in a terminal to upgrade your system completely. The
following upgrades will be skipped.</i><br>
then a list of 12 apps<br>
then Linux (all) locked up.. <br>
mouse caret was the only thing that would move or respond. The
window that had been on a runaway froze.. also could not ctrl Alt
F2 to any terminal.. no click on any of 3 mouse buttons would be
at this freeze up time, the cable modem stopped blinking. All
during these events another computer still had full access to the
Only a power off........ recovered in a normal reboot. I ran from
terminal .... <b>sudo apt-get dist-upgrade</b>...... I got a
normal full upgrade at that point except after a reboot the
notification window wanted to install about 12 more files. that went
my 600 kB/ps band width was still available on the other computer but
this upgrade was only using 20kB/ps ... took 8 hours to download, then
the install went normal..<br>
I appear to have a solid install of dapper. My Internet and lan
connections all still working, just had to set up permissions..<br>
Thanks much<br>
Richard Musick Sr.