I just tought that a bootchart from a boot on a very very slow computer
might be useful for people working on boot performance. Indeed, because
of the slowness, all actions performed are bigger on the chart. It's
like a magnifying glass ;-)<br>
The computer is a old laptop Presario 1245 with a vert very slow hard
disk (don't know if it's a hdparm bug, it seems just that the disk is
"prefail"), 96Mo of Ram and K6-300 processor :<br>
<a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/CompaqPresario1245?highlight=%28presario%29">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/CompaqPresario1245?highlight=%28presario%29</a><br>
<a href="http://wiki.frimouvy.org/CompaqPresario">http://wiki.frimouvy.org/CompaqPresario</a><br>
<a href="http://hwdb.ubuntu.com/?xml=0bdf68fa07902b4b115a1b54ce8533b5">http://hwdb.ubuntu.com/?xml=0bdf68fa07902b4b115a1b54ce8533b5</a><br>
So I just dist-upgraded this laptop from breezy to dapper (4 to 5 hours of apt-get processing)<br>
The boot is quite long and it tooks nearly 15minute of processing to generate the svg and the png of bootchart !!<br>
<a href="http://ploum.fritalk.com/dapper-20060128-1.png">http://ploum.fritalk.com/dapper-20060128-1.png</a> (400ko)<br>
I hope this kind of chart may help.<br>
If you want more charts from more computer, please let me know what you
want exactly. I will follow the call to the french speaking community,
I will triage the feedback and give a result as useful as possible.<br>